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New Server

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New Server Empty New Server

Post  Get Owned Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:17 pm

OK so today, Red and I began work on a new RedScape. The new server is an economy base, meaning that to get something, you must work for it. It has perfect PK'ing, and is completely our own. Our new server also has amazing skilling. On the sad note, it will not be online for a few days as it has lots of work still to be done. Below are some more detail.

I will be keeping you guys updated with this post!

04' interfaces
-the new server includes the old runescape interfaces, making it a reminiscent experience.

New Server Interface1

-the new server has the old runescape prayers, which make PK'ing even more enjoyable.

New Server Prayers

Mini games
- full Barrows

New Server Barrows

-we are currently working on a custom mini game for Torso, Rune Defender, and the god capes.

we have all of the items that were around back in 04, but we also feature something special; a working Ava's Accumulator. this will be available through a self made quest.

New Server Accumulator

- All of the skills work, but not all of the NPC's needed to support the skills are in place yet. Below are the pictures of the crafting and slayer skills.

New Server Slayer

With slayer, you have the option to chose between three types of tasks, easy, medium, and hard. To have an easy task, you must be 20 combat or higher. To have task of medium difficulty, you must be 40 combat or higher. And to have a hard task, you must have at least 60 combat.

- this is just crafting leather, there are many more things you can craft.
- As of 2/14/10 Red created a perfect gem crafting system, where you have to not only cut the gem, but string it too.

New Server Skills

Video about Gems:

- perfect switches
- perfect combo's
- perfect everything

View My Video

On the new RedScape, we are working very hard to make the PK'ing as enjoyable as possible. Red and I also wish to make it as realistic as possible.

The Training:


The new RedScape has a much lower experience rate. On the current 317, it takes no more than two hours to go from one to 99 strength. Neither me nor Red like the current XP, so the new rate will be set at 200x RuneScape, so it will take at least one day to achieve a 99.


Red and I cannot decide whether to make the skilling slower experience, or keep the same XP rate as combat. I will make a poll so you can vote on this.

Skilling will also be much more important on the new server. For example, people who have a decent slayer level will be able to make a lot of money off of the drops.

Server Completion: |||||||||| 40%

Get Owned

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Join date : 2010-01-15

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